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Faith in Service

May 2022

Guides May Day Event

On Monday 2nd May 2022 the Mayor of Didcot Cllr Mocky Khan attended his last official engagement as Didcot Mayor at the Guides May Day event.

The Mayor handed out awards for the leaders and helpers and also drew the raffle.

Unveiling of United Services Association bench

On Thursday 5th May 2022 the new Mayor of Didcot, Cllr Pam Siggers unveiled the United Services Association bench at the Civic Hall.

This was the new Mayor's first official event as the Mayor of Didcot.

The bench was donated by the United Services Association which was set up for ex service personnel and serving public members. Sadly the organisation has decided to close due to the group no longer being able to hold their meetings.

Sustainable 'Wild Cafe'

On Saturday 14th May 2022 Cllr Pam Siggers the Mayor Didcot attended the Sustainable 'Wild Café' where she presented the winners of the art competition with their winning prize and certificate.

Didcot Phoenix Taekwondo ELEMENTS show

On Saturday 14th May 2022 the Mayor of Didcot, Cllr Pam Siggers attended the 'Elements' show at the Amey Theatre Abingdon which was held to celebrate 25 years of the club.

The Mayor said a few words after the show and presented a cheque to Be Free Young Carers which was raised through the club members.

Re-election of Wallingford Mayor

On Sunday 15th May 2022 the Mayor of Didcot, Cllr Pam Siggers attended along with the Deputy Mayor of Didcot, Cllr Axel Macdonald the re-election ceremony of the Wallingford Mayor Cllr Marcus Harris.

There was a parade through the town followed by a service at the Civil and Parish Church.

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:45