17th September 2024

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Faith in Service

Didcot Town Council John Eldridge Award

Mrs Jean Eldridge donated the John Eldridge award following her husband's death whilst serving as Deputy Mayor of Didcot in 1992. It felt appropriate to found an award in his name to recognise voluntary work undertaken in Didcot.

The only criteria for being nominated are that the individual or group must be based in Didcot or their work is for the benefit of the people of the town, and they can't be paid for doing it.


Andrew Snell - for running the Didcot Food Bank


Changing Lives - for helping provide much needed supplies/funds to local charities/members of the community

Kathryn Goldsby-West - for her continued support and running of Didcot Baby Monday Group

Robin McStay - for running Didcot Health Walks for approx. 18 years

Didcot Volunteer Centre (Bill Major) - for the work they do for taking people to hospital/doctors appointments

James Gesner - for arranging many charity golf days/events.

Keith Hughes for his work for the Royal British Legion as a Volunteer Poppy Appeal Organiser for the last 10 years and for the 23 years he has been involved with the RBL.

Robert Roslyn of Didcot Casuals Football Club, for his dedication and loyal service over the last 15 years.

The 2014 winner was Karen Waggott for her work to get the archaeology discoveries at Great Western Park in to the public domain.

Courtney set up her Charity Secret Santa which collected over 650 gifts that were distributed to the special care baby unit at the John Radcliffe hospital, the Life Charity House in Didcot and Helen and Douglas House.

Mrs Doreen McNulty was presented with the John Eldridge award on for over 20 years work with Home-Start and her work with the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Willows Pre-school.

In 2011 the John Eldridge award was presented to Jacqui Oldham for her dedication and hard work with the Didcot Volunteer Centre since it started in 1987.

2410 (Didcot) Squadron ATC were the recipients of the John Eldridge Award for Voluntary Service at Didcot Town Council's Annual Awards Evening in December. Described as "unassuming and willing to help at so many events"

Last updated: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 12:14