17th September 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is CPE?

Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) is when a local authority takes on responsibility from the police to enforce against illegal parking. This process means parking violations becoming civil offences. In Oxfordshire CPE will apply for on-street parking (roads and highways).
For more information on CPE follow this link: https://www.didcot.gov.uk/civil-parking-enforcement.html

Why do we need CPE?

The effective management of waiting and loading restrictions will allow us to match enforcement to our wider transport strategies.

This will mean:
- Less blocking of major traffic routes by incorrectly parked vehicles.
- Reduction in parking in disabled bays by non badge holders.
- Better traffic management and improved parking restrictions.

It will:
- Encourage correct, sensible and safe parking across Oxfordshire.
- Reduce congestion on the roads.
- Help the emergency services access emergencies
- Make it safer for drivers and pedestrians
- Enable buses to operate more effectively
- Improve air quality, health and the general environment
- Keep Oxfordshire moving

What is changing?

What is changing? Under the introduction of CPE parking enforcement across South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and Cherwell Districts will be taken over from the Police by Oxfordshire County Council. This will result in increased, more consistent enforcement of waiting and loading restrictions, double parking offences and dropped kerb obstructions. CPE is already in effect in Oxford City and West Oxfordshire.

What are the current time scales for the implementation of CPE?

Assuming Cabinet support the Council will look to implement CPE in November 2021.

Which areas will be patrolled and how often?

Which areas will be patrolled and how often? All areas where there are traffic regulation orders in place will be patrolled, this includes all towns and most villages. An intelligence led approach will be taken to enforcement meaning teams will be focused on areas where illegal parking is having the most impact on road safety and congestion.

Parking restrictions in my area are outdated. How do I get them reviewed?

If CPE is implemented parking restrictions will be reviewed on a regular basis. If you feel there is an area where restrictions should be reviewed please contact the parking team via Parking@oxfordshire.gov.uk

How is CPE funded?

The aim of CPE is to achieve 100% compliance of parking regulations. If that was to occur there would be no income from penalty charges. However, if drivers choose to park illegally, they should expect to receive a Penalty Charge Notice. Assumptions based on national compliance levels have been assumed.

Fines associated with parking will be retained in Oxfordshire to support the cost of enforcement.
Any surplus will be spent on local transport and environmental improvements in Oxfordshire.!

Will the introduction of new residents parking schemes be considered once CPE is introduced?

Permit parking schemes can benefit residents and their visitors in areas where extraneous parking causes a problem. A key factor in their success is enforcement, and the introduction of CPE will open up opportunities for new schemes to be considered. Any scheme of this nature is subject evidenced local support and funding.

If CPE was introduced how would Councillors, Town Councils and members of the public report concern about parking enforcement?

Members of the public, Town Councils and Councillors would be able to report areas and incidents of illegal parking via a dedicated email address and telephone line. Officers would investigate and will take enforcement action as required.

What enforcement is currently taking place?

Parking offences in areas that are not currently covered by CPE are a criminal offence (fixed penalty notice) and enforced by Thames Valley Police.

Last updated: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:06