17th September 2024

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Faith in Service

August 2022

Didcot Grub Hub

On Tuesday 9th August 2022 the Mayor of Didcot, Cllr Pam Siggers attended one of the Didcot Grub Hub sessions which are being held at Didcot Railway Centre during the summer school holidays.

One of the organisers, Ann Middleton showed the Mayor around and the Mayor chatted to some of the families that were attending.

Oxfordshire Wildlife Centre Summer Event

On Sunday 28th August 2022 the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Didcot attended the Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue Centre Summer Fun Day.

Whilst they were there they helped judge the dog competition and called the raffle.

Bicester Civic Service

On Sunday 4th September 2022 Cllr Pam Siggers the Mayor of Didcot attended the Mayor of Bicester's Civic Service at St Edburg's Church in Biecester.

The Mayor said the service was lovely.

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:46