17th September 2024

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Faith in Service

August 2021

Pavilion Demolition, Edmonds Park

The Edmonds Park was finally demolished in August 2021 as it was old and unsafe. The Mayor Cllr Mocky Khan and the Leader of the Council Cllr Denise MacDonald couldn't wait for it to get started. We hope the new pavilion will make a huge difference to the park when it is built.

NCS Fun Day

On Thursday 12th August 2021 The Mayor, Cllr Mocky Khan attend the National Citizens Services fun day at the Boundary Park who had a fun day and football match to raise money for Play2Give.

Play2Give Superhero Fun Run

Sunday 22nd August 2021 Play2Give and Style Acre held a Superhero Fun Run at Boundary Park to raise money for their charity.

The Mayor, Cllr Mocky Khan got into the spirit of the day and dressed as 'Iron Man' and even gave out the medals in his costume! He also took part in the run along with the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Pam Siggers.

It was a fun day and Play2Give hope to do it all again next year.

Last updated: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:54